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iron foundry 翻砂廠,鑄鐵廠,鑄鐵車間。

iron glance

The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash , save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view ; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of chupenie , twenty miles south - westward from benares , the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of behar ; or ghazipur and its famous rose - water factories ; or the tomb of lord cornwallis , rising on the left bank of the ganges ; the fortified town of buxar , or patna , a large manufacturing and trading place , where is held the principal opium market of india ; or monghir , a more than european town , for it is as english as manchester or birmingham , with its iron foundries , edge - tool factories , and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward 這一切景物,象閃電般一掠而過,有時被一陣濃濃的白煙,遮蓋得模糊不清。沿途,旅客們只能隱約地看見:距貝拿勒斯城東南二十英里的比哈爾歷代土王城寨舒納爾堡,加茲鋪和這個城區一些制造玫瑰香水的大工廠以及印度主要的鴉片市場巴特那,還有那個比較歐化和英國化的城市蒙吉爾,它很象英國的曼徹斯特或伯明翰,以冶鐵制造鐵器和刀劍馳名。那些高大的煙囪噴吐著烏黑的濃煙,把整個卜拉馬活佛的天空搞得烏煙瘴氣。

Cooper industries origins extend back more than 170 years to a small iron foundry in mount vernon , ohio , started by brothers charles and elias cooper in 1833 1833年,一對兄弟以自己的姓氏創立了庫柏,那時,庫柏只不過是俄亥俄州的一家名不見經傳的小鑄鐵廠。

Manufacturing many huge sets of trays of mud core for china nanjing teksid iron foundry co . , ltd . ( chinese - italian joint venture ) 為中意合資鎮江泰克西鑄造有限公司制造流水線大型泥芯托架。

Now , by day , parker worked in an iron foundry in the ohio port of ripley 現在,帕克白天在俄亥俄州里普利港的一家鑄鐵廠干活。

Solve the problem of internal shrinkage of magnesium iron foundry 解決球鐵鑄造內部縮孔問題。